About Us
In My About Us Page
First of all,Thanks for visiting our About us page.My Name is Madhusudan Majhi,I’m from Jharkhand.I did Completed my B.E in IEI from Kolkata also Diploma in Electrical Engineering from Dhanbad also 12th Standard in Katras also Matriculation from BTM High school Malkera.
My hobbies are Playing and Watching Cricket, Reading Electrical Engineering books and Spending time with my family and friends.My strengths are I’m a hard worker and Quick learner but weakness is I can trust everyone.
I currently work for an Engineer post in a govt. power sector.overhaul I have taken the experience of 13 years electrical work field. right now i want to share with all friends through the Blog, that why I started writing content by making Blog.i hope you all like my Blog.
We will try to give full knowledge of Engineering field to all friends through this Blog.this information will be based on the subject of Electrical Theory, Maintenance and Repairing.our interest is very much in the technical and engineering for electrical field.I have been writing the content of the Blog for almost two years but not continuously.so our subject will be based on this Blog Electrical Curiosity and other blog Nice Written.thank you.