Definition and use of inverter

use of inverter in the house is called ordinary,DC to AC inverter or converter. in this type of inverter single phase AC input is given and this apparatus is used to convert a supply into 12V DC or 24V DC supply and this supply connect to the lead acid battery for charging.

when the battery is fully charged and for some reason the power goes out in the house,then this invert takes DC supply from the battery and converts it into a single phase AC supply and supplies it to the household appliances.this process is fully 1980 toshiba company invented the inverter. 

use of inverter
inverer back side image

what can be seen on the back side of the inverter

due to frequent power cut,inverter has become a vital necessity for the house hold in the present the time of this inflation,it would be very foolish to use diesel generator for frequent power cut.but this problem is solved to a great extent by the inverter at very low cost.

at present,the home inverter is available in the market with bluetooth connectivity and wifi connection features which can be controlled easily.if you do not wont to connect the inverter to elactricity bill is not burdened,then there are many such invertor in the market for this also.which can be charged by connecting directly to the solar panel and charging the battery.

now it comes to which type of inverter we should buy from the market

well, there are many inverter in the market like.

pure sine wave is compitable with all electronics, gadgets and appliances. its is a bit expensive as compared to others type

modified sine wave ismuch cheaper and less powerful. multiple devices can be used for this type of inverter but it reduces theefficiency

square wave inverter generates square shaped waveforms.this type of inverter has very low efficiency using this, there is humming noise in the home appliances due to which the appliances get damaged quickly.

pure sine wave indication

now friends, if you buy an inverter for your home,then encode this think your mind that you should alwaysby only pure sine wave inverter. now you will say that we do not know that much technical,so you do not need to go that deep.

simply blindly buying pure sine wave inverter.always know one thing that all the electrical appliances that are made in our household works only on the design of pure sine wave.

friends,we have given a picture of pure sine wave inverter for convenience so that you do not get confused. we and you know that if you talk about pure sine wave in the market then 90% of the shopkeepers will say that what is this  

now it comes to which inverter we should buy according to the need of the appliance intalled in our house

for this we will need to calculate the power of the appliance intalled in house .its a simple formula

this is a general figure of appliances.if you want to know the exact figure,then every appliance in your house has a wattage rating written on it.calculate the total wall by simpley adding the rating of all these let’s say the total watt is the second thing is that the capacity of the inverter is determined by whose full form is voltage ampere rating.

also know that no other machine is 100% efficient, so assume the max VA x 80% capacity of the inverter.the third thing is that the more the power of the inverter,the more appliances you can run simultaneously in the house.

the last thing is that you will have to chose the best quality of the battery and buy it for the maximum present time there are 100Ah,150Ah,180Ah,200Ah battery available in the market.choosing the right battery according to the power requirement of the house is very important from an economic point of view.find it with a simple formula
let my house power reqirement 1000W
so we brought inverter capacity 1150VA
then capacity = 1150 x 0.80%
                    = 920
if power backup continue require three hours
then 920VA x 3hrs/12V = 230 Ah ≈ 200 Ah battery required
actually backup will be available only because you do not have all the appliances in the house at the same

use of inverter currently in various field and many ways 

> inverter has become essantial for every household.
> use of inverter in office at present time is very needfull because frequent power cut reason office work affected
> at present time use of inverter has becomes essential in any workshop.
> at present time use of inverter has becomes very important in commercial places because power backup has very necessary

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