active and passive component

active and passive components in electronic circuit

all electronic circuit contain a few basic components like two active and three passive components.

active component

active components used in electronic circuits are numerous and many components can be classified in two categories.the electronic device used in ancient times is called a tube type devices but present time semiconductor type devices are used.
tube type device further devided into two type

Vaccum Tube

Gas Tubes

junction diode,bipolar junction transistor(BJT),field effect transistor(FET),unijunction transistor(UJT),silicon controlled rectifier(SCR),tunnel diode and zener diodecome under semiconductor type device.

vacuum Tube

at present the use of vacuum tube is negligible.vacuum tube was invented by John Ambrose Fleming in is a electronic device that control the flow of electrons in a vacuum.vacuum tube are use in radar,television,radio,computers and various type amplifiers.vacuum tube 

vacuum tube

consists of a cathode,anode and electrode.cathode emits free electrons and anode is an electron collector that collects free electrons whreas anode collectsthe free electrons.

Vacuum Diode

vacuum diode is a type of vacuum tube.its is made up of two electrodes,a cathode and an anode or plate.cathode generates free electrons so it is called emitter.the anode collects free electrons so it is called collector.both these electrodes are enclosed both these

vacuum diode

electrodes are enclosed in a empity glass.we uses the vacuum diode as rectifier.this device allows the electronic current in one direction and blocks the electric current in another direction.this device converts alternating current into direct current.

Vacuum Triode

this was invented by Lee De Forest uses three electrodes like anode,cathode and control grid.these three electrodes are enclosed in a empity glass.the cathode is surrounded by a control grid and control grid surrounded by anode.vacuum triode is a device that amplifies the electrical signal

vacuum triode

Vacuum Tetrode

vacuum tetrode use to amplify the electrical signal,but higher works like an vacuum tetrode used four electrodes cathode,anode,control grid and screen grid.these four electrodes enclosed in an empity glass envelope.the cathode is surrounded by control grid.

vacuum tetrode

Vacuum Pentode

in this tube used five electrode cathode control grid,screen grid,suppressor grid and anode.this type of tube cathode is surrounded by control grid.the control grid surrounded by screen grid.the screen grid is surrounded by suppressor grid.the suppressor grid surrounded by plate or anode.

vacuum pentode

Gas Tube

the construction of gas filled tube is similar to that of vacuum tubes,except that the cathode,grids and anodes are usually largerin order to carry heavier current.

cold cathode
hot cathode gas tube


hot cathode gas triode is also called thyratron.thyratron is used in switching and relay is also used in controlled rectifiers and monitor control circuit.

gas tube thyratron

Junction Diode

when the P-type metarial of a semiconductor is combined with the N-type metarials,then this type of device is called semiconductor diode or junction diode

junction diode semiconductor

Bipolar Junction Transistor(BJT)

when a N-type meterial is sandwiched between two P-type meterials a pnp transistor is formed.again a P-type meterial is sandwiched between two N-type meterials,a npn transistor is formed.this type of transistor is called bipolar junction transistor.

npn transistor
pnp transistor

Field Effect Transistor(FET)

field effect transistor also called junction field effect transistors.junction field effect transistor consist of a N-type silicon bar,also knows as a channel,made by defusing two P-type silicon materials on opposite sides

field effect transistor

Silicon Controlled Rectifier(SCR)

silicon controlled rectifier is a three terminal four layer of semiconductor device like P-type and N-type meterial.SCR with the layers p-n-p-n.this device have anode(A),cathode(K) and gate(G).the gate terminal(G) is attached to the P-type layer nearer to the called(K) terminal.

silicon controlled rectifier

passive component

resistors,inductors and capacitors come under passive components.these components are come into two which dissipate energy and other which store it.resistors is the only one which dissipates electrical energy.inductors and capacitors which stores energy


a conductor is a material that allows current to flow and an insulator is a material that doesn’t allow for conduct current.

resistor passive component

if a conductor and an insulator material mixed with the result is a compound that conduct current but not very well.this compound material is called resistors


capacitor consists of two conducting plate,sepereted by a an insulating meterial.capacitor store electrons.

capacitor passive component


a coiled copper wire are called the inductor.there are two type air core or iron core.both active and passive component are part of electrical and electronic circuits.

electrical inductor passive component

both active and passive component are part of electrical and electronic and passive components are the complements of each other,without this the electronic circuit is today’s world there are many electronic circuit appliances that use both active and passive components such as tv, computer, laptop, printer, radio,mobile phone etc.

difference between active and passive components

Active Component

passive component

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