History of Electricity-the Story is Very Amazing
history of electricity
Humans are familiar with history of electricity many years ago but these people did not have some specific information about it.
practical use of electricity was a dream before the 18th century. at present, we have become so dependent on electricity that we cannot imagine anything without it.

but this was not the case a 18th century ago. in earlier times people used to light fire for lighting.
we should understand that these days the term electricity is used to describe a branch of science.
some scientists like Michael Faraday,Joseph Henry,Georg Ohm of the 19th century had given birth to many theories in the field of electricity on their experimental basis.
from the pages of history, it is learned that these scientists have spent their whole life on this discovery.
- around 600 BC,the ancient greek,thales,discovered that rubbing amber with fur caused the ability to attract small or light object to amber.due this attraction property of amber,the word electron was originated from the greek itself,this discovery by the greek was actually static electricity.
- in the year 1600,William Gilbert,who was a scientist as well as a physician,discovered the relation between magnetism and electricity.he also discovered the earth's magnetic field.
- in the year 1660,the german scientist Otto Vo Guericke created a device by which static electricity was generated.
- in the year 1700,Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity by kite experiment.
- in the year 1705,francis hauksbee invented the neon light.it was a glass ball that illuminated when it was rubbed with a spun and hand.
- in the year,the italian scientist luigi galvani touched the dead fro with metal and it was shaken.based on this experiment,when alessandro volta did his experiment,he found that electricity is generated from dead organism when moisture comes into contact with two types of metals.
- in the year 1800,pile volta created the first battery that produced electricity,using pure silver and zinc discs,and both these metals were made by immersing them in a salt solution.in the same year humphray devi discovered electrolysis.
- christian oersted discovered the magnetic field from electricity in the year 1820.
- in the year 1821,the great scientist michael faraday discovered electricity from a magnetic field.at the same time thomas johann seebeek discovered thermo-electricity.from this discovery,he found that when the junction of two different metals is heated and the other joint is cooled,electricity passes from the hot metal to the colder metal.
- in the year 1826,George ohm showed the relation between power,voltage and current which is also called ohm's.
- in the year 1829,joseph henry showed the magnetic effect of electric current.he alsodiscovered that coil wrapped wires produce more electromagnetism than straight ones.
- joseph henry propounded the theory of dynamo in the year 1830.
- in the year 1831,Michael Faraday explained the principle of electromegnetic induction.
- in the year 1834,charles wheatstone measured the speed of current.
- in the years 1870,thomas edison created the DC generator.
- year 1876 Alexander Graham invented the electric telephone.
- in the year 1878,the british scientist joseph swan invented the carbon filament lamp which runs on electricity.
- Tesla invented the tesla coil in the year 1880.
- electricity was distributed to the public in the year 1881.
- Magnus Volks built the first electric railway in the year 1883.
- in the year 1884,charles parsons built the first turbine.
- in the year 1886,heinrich hertz discovered electric waves in the atmosphere.
- William Roentgen discovered x-rays in the year 1895.
- in the year 1897,Guglielmo Marconi invented the electric radio.
- in the year 1905,Albeet Einstein explained the principle of producing electricity from light energy.
- refrigerator and washing machine were invented in the year 1918.
- the first national grid was introducedin the electrical supply act in the year in the 1926.
- Hydroelectric power station inaugurated in the year 1930.
- in the year 1936,john Logie Baird invented the first television.
- the first nuclear power station was inaugurated in the year 1956 at Calder Hall.
in modern electron theory the complete universe is made of matter and energy.
matter may be defined as any substance which occupies space,possesses weight and can be in any of the three forms like solid, liquid or gaseous.
matter consists of small particles called molecules which still retain the property of that substance.
further subdivision of the molecule results in particles of matter known as atoms.an atoms may be again further sub-divided into electrons,protons,neutrons etc.

the fundamental particles are electrons,protons and neutrons.
when we came to know about the nuclear structure in the second half of the 19th century then we got detailed information about the mystery of electricity.
matter is made up of tiny particle which we called Atom.
matter are consists entirely of identical atom is termed an element like hydrogen. matter which consists of a combination different atoms is termed a compound and there combination of atoms we call molecules like H_{2}O (water).
the history of electricity is connected on the structure of the atom itself.an atom is to small that human eyes cannot see it. we only see them with the help of very powerful magnifying devices.
electric force between particles
Just as the solar system is governed by gravitational forces, the atom is also governed by electric force.
it is also called by the attraction and repulsion between electric charges.
we should know that the electric force inside the atom is much more then the gravitational force.
every electron has a negative electric charge of 1.602\times10^{-19}C and proton has a positive charge of same magnitude.

1.electron:- it is a negative nature particle and having mass 9\cdot 107\times10^{-31}kg . the history of electricity that we are taking about, this electron plays the main role for her electricity
2.Proton:- it is positive nature particle and having mass 1.672\times10^{-27}kg . both protons and electrons are of opposite nature to each other. due to the opposite charge, both are bound to each other in the atom.
3.Neutron:- the mass of the neutron is almost equal to the mass of the proton having 1.674\times10^{-27}kg and has no charge
⊗ free electrons:- if some external force is applied to an electron in the outer orbit such as magnetic force, friction, or chemical action, these electrons are then free to move from one atom to another atom. such electrons are called free electrons. this electrons is responsible for the basis of electricity.
⊗ conductor:- electric current flows when the free electron move from one atom to another atom.
substances that allow free electron to flow freely are called conductor. silver, copper, aluminum are good conductor materials.
practically silver material is the best for conductor. but due to high cost, it is used in some marginal areas.
due to this reason, copper and aluminum are used in most conductor materials.
this tells us that a conductor is a materials that allows electricity to easily pass through them.
⊗ Insulator :- material that does not allow free electrons pass from one atom to another atom is called insulators, like glass, rubber, ceramics, plastics, oil impregnated, paper probably the most common insulator is dry air.
this tells us that a insulator is a materials that does not allows electricity to pass through them. friends, you must have knows that many scientists of the world were instrumental in the journey from history of electricity to modern electricity.
the worlds leading scientists Nikola Tesla, Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry, who contributed significantly in the field of electricity.
currently, the history of electricity has to be studied in the development of modern electricity.
I am an engineer in a government department and also a blogger. I write posts on topics related to electrical and electronics engineering.