What is Electric Safety Rules & Precautions Do You Know About
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ToggleElectric safety has become an important aspect of life nowadays, as it teaches the safe use of electrical equipment, systems and basic rules to prevent accidents, injuries and damage to our property. The main purpose of electrical safety is to protect all of us from electric shock, burns and other dangers related to electricity. Let us know the rules of electrical safety and how to save someone’s life in case of an accident.
Electric Safety Precautions
Need of Electricity
First of all,you should know that we cannot see electricity with open eyes. that’s why electricity is really very dangerous. there is a lot of dangers to us due to electricity,but in today’s time we are incomplete without electricity.
In today’s time look at any field ,without this electricity,we cannot devlop in this field. Without this no country can develop. Therefore, it is very important for us to take some precautions regarding electricity in advance.
A little carelessness can result in an accident,which many time can be fatal.
What is Electrical Safety
Avoiding accident caused by electrical current is called electrical safety. Contact with electricity can have very fatal consequences likes- electrical shocks, electrical burns and electrocution.
Effect of Electric Current on Human Body
The range of electric shock in human body is about 1mA. at this level, the human body feels tingling when it comes in contact with electricity.
As soon as the magnitude of the electric current increases beyond this level the cells of the human body begin to contact. a level at which a person fails to remove electric current from his body.
The level at which a person gets rid of his body from electric current, this level is called let go current. research has shown that the level of let go current is 6 to 9 mA.
Now we also know that the level of electric current at which the human body has to suffer a lot of pain. this level of current about 20 – 100mA. this level of electric current also causes physical injury.
The level of electric current increases above 100mA, then in this situation the pumping action stops due to the rhythmic effect in the heart and the heart beat pulse disappears.
If the level of current increases to 6A then in this condition the body becomes paralysis and scorched. the level of this electric current also causes serious hazards.
If the electric current is in contact with the body for few seconds then there is a possibility that the heartbeat will become normal again.
electrical safety in workplace needs certain precautions
- Do not forget to put off the main switch in the case of a person still in contact with conductor or appratus.
- Do not attempt to disengage a person in contact with live apparatus which you cannot switch off immediately. isolate yourself from the earth by standing on a rubber mat or dry wooden board before attempting to clean him. Do not touch its body, clean it only with a piece of dry wood.
- After turning off the main switch, do not forget to remove the fuse and also hang a danger board on the switch.
- Do not have the false feeling that the person will not be harmed after an electric shock. First of all, call a doctor immediately and apply artificial respiration immediately.
- Do not discontinue artificial respiration until recovery or death is certified by the doctor.
- People doing electrical work should not forget to wear safety belt
- If using a ladder,always keep a person with you so that the ladder does not sleep.
- The person should not keep any sharp or iron item in his pocket while working in the high voltage overhead line.
- Do not forget to perform earth discharge before working on overhead line. This is one of the best optimal electrical safety rules.
- Electrical safety tools used in electrical work should not have poor insulation.
- Do not work on energised circuits without use of a rubber mat, electrical safety shoes and electrical safety gloves etc.
- Do not tamper with an electrical equipement or a conductor, unless you are sure that it is dead and earthed
- Replace the blown fuse when the fault is rectified.
- Do not allow unauthorise person to touch or handle electrical apparatus or come within the danger zone of high voltage apparatus.
- Do not throw water on a live conductor or equipment in the case of a fire
- Fire extinguisher should not be used in the live conductor.
3.Methods for Rescuing an Unconcious Person Suffering from an Electric Shock
When a person recieves a shock from live electrical equipment, it is the utmost duty of the observer to disconnect him immediately from the live supply mains by eitherswitching off the main switch.
The body should be pushed away with a dry stick. if a stick is not available, then insulate yourself by standing on a dry wooden board, rubber metting before trying to get him clear and even then do not touch his body.
Pull him with his loose clothes like his shirt or paint. if any spark smoldering in the clothes of the victim,then extinguish it. if the heart of the victim stops beating it means death is certain.
However, if the victim becomes unconcious and stop breathing, but his heart still beats. he should be immediately given artificial respiration because a slight delay may cause death.
Artificial respiration should be done continously until the patient can regain natural breathing. a slight regaining of natural breating is not a sign to stop artificial respiration because the victim may stop breathing again.
Therefore, watch the patient carefully and if the natural breathing stops, then start the artificial respiration again continue artificial respiration until the doctor arrives. there are many types of artificial respiration according to the requirement.
(a) First Method
This is the best method of electrical safety precaution after an accident

- Lay the victim on her chest
- Keep your arms forward and resting on one hand,keep your head to one side so that he can breathe easily
- Kneel on the victim,place your hand on his back near the lowest rib such that the thumbs touch each other and are parallel to the spine.now spread the fingers on each side over his lower ribs.
- Lean forward gently over the victim,exerting a downward pressure for two seconds.similarly release the presssure slowly by moving backward,keeping the hands in the same position for two seconds.this expands and contracts the victim lungs so as to imitate the breathing.
- When the victim begins to breathing,it is battered if the rescuer synchronises one of his breaths with his own so that the victim can return to the natural rate of breathing.
This process should be done continuously twelve to fifteen times in a minute
(b) Second Methode
Under electrical safety precaution this methode is adopted when there is a burn in the patient’s chest or front part of the body
- In this method the victim is made to lie on the back side.
- Till the head back slightly,this keeps the tongue out of the throat,thus allowing air to pass
- Hold the victim just below the elbow and pull his hand over his head until they are horizontal keep this condition for two seconds.
- Now bring the victim's arms down on each side of his chest,pressing inward on his arms so as to compress his chest.
- Repeat this process after two seconda.do this process about twelve to fifteen times

in this electrical safety precaution two person are necessary
(c) Third Method
Under electrical safety precaution, it is called artificial respirator method. it is the best easiest and most hygenic method of artificial respiration, if the apparatus is available.
The apparatus consists of a rubber bulb mask and an air filter along with a tramprent celluloid valve arrangement.

The air enters through the holes of rubber bulb and goes out through the outlet valve. the mask is placed on the nose and mouth of the victim. this process should be continued regularly till the doctor advises to stop.
The rubber bulb is pressed at the rate of twelve to fifteen time per minute to bring his respiration back. when the rubber bulb is pressed, the air from the bulb passes through the air fitter which lifts the inlet valve and closses the outlet valve.
Now this filtered air enters the patient’s lungs through the mask and nose. when the pressure on the bulb is released, the inlet valve closes and the outlet valve opens giving way to the now used air out.
Electrical Safety Equipment List
Electrical safety equipment is mostly used to protect people doing electrical work from hazards such as electric shock, burns and exposure to arc flash. Let’s know where and why electrical safety equipment is used and why it is necessary
- Respiratory Safety Mask- during electric arc, short circuit or electric fire chemical dust and poisonous gas enters inside the body through breathing which is very harmful for health. to avoid this, use respiratory safety equipment such as disposable half or full masks.
- Eye Safety- Face Shields, eye shields, goggles and face shields etc. are used to protect the eyes.
- Ear Safety- due to high noise earplugs,semi insert ear plug and ear muffs are used for ear safety.
- Hand Safety- due to leakage electric current electrical safety hand gloves, finger guards and arm coverings are used for hand safety.
- Foot Safety- high voltage electrical safety shoes, matatersal guards, toe guards and laggins are used for foot safety.
- Head Safety- electrical safety helmet is used for protect the head.
Electrical Safety Below Power Lines.
- High voltage wires are carried through tall towers, this tower should never be climbed.
- The animal should not rub its body against the tower or the pole it can risk their life.
- The pole or tower should never be touched during rains as there is a possibility of electrocution due to leakage current.
- No metal or wire should thrown in the overhead line.
- At the time of storm, distance should alaways be maintained from the power line, live wire can fall anytime.
- No construction work should be done under the power line.
Benifits of Poster Ideas for Electrical Safety
There are many benefits of putting up electrical safety posters at various places, especially in homes, workplaces, schools, industries and public areas. This safety awareness can prevent accidents caused by electricity. Here we will know how electrical safety poster ideas can be beneficial for us.
Creates awareness about safety: People can be easily alerted to electrical dangers and precautions through posters and the priority of safety also reaches people easily.
Promotes safe behavior: Clear, poster safety messages encourage safe habits, such as not overloading outlets, using insulated tools, and regularly checking wiring.
Educates about the dangers: Posters often depict hazards such as electric shock, arc flash or burns to give people information on how to avoid unsafe situations.
Emergency Guidance: Some posters that mention the electrical safety rules to follow in case of an electrical emergency, such as how to turn off the power source or how to use a Class C fire extinguisher, can save people’s lives in a critical situation.
Encourages compliance: Regular display of safety guidelines through posters reminds people of safety protocols and standards at the workplace, and reinforces compliance with the safety rules.
Prevention of accidents: Electrical safety posters help prevent accidents from common hazards.
Maintains safety culture: Visual safety reminders through posters promote a safety culture where safety is given the highest priority.
Best effective training tool: Posters provide ongoing, continuous electrical safety training, making them a great low-cost solution for promoting electrical safety.
Overall electric safety is very important whether it is industry or home or power substation. Electrical safety rule has to be used everywhere. This electrical safety rule is also mentioned in the Electricity Act, without it an accident can happen anytime.
I am an engineer in a government department and also a blogger. I write posts on topics related to electrical and electronics engineering.